Harness the elements. Taking advantage of a Machine’s elemental vulnerabilities could be the difference between life and death, so use your Focus to find out what works and equip yourself appropriately to deal maximum damage.“You can come back to them after you deal with other enemies – or even have the Machine tear off its own parts as it tries to get free.” “Tying a big enemy down for a long period of time using something like the Rope Caster is really useful,” explains Combat Designer Troy Mashburn. So it’s vital to exploit traps to hinder an enemy’s movement or reduce its health, especially when you’re tracking a Machine’s path. Be crafty with your traps. It’s rare you’ll survive an out and out battle during the early stages of the game, where even a couple of Watchers can quickly overwhelm you.“Then hit specific components you’ve marked on targeted Machines to deal a lot of damage, especially when tackling the more dangerous ones.” “Because Aloy’s movements and actions are limited while using Focus, the tall grass is useful to stay out of sight,” says Director Mathijs de Jonge.

Focus is useful to identify Machines, inspect their components and keep track of their patrol paths, but be wary of the disadvantages.